February 10, 2018 8:00 PM

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Helping Him Have Dominion

Our Community

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto.


BHSM Mission

To annihilate the forces of darkness through obedience to God, obedience to our husbands, intercessory prayer, fasting, holy living, and standing in unity with our husbands and each other as we build God’s kingdom.


Global Vision

We will minister to leading ladies in every culture, around the world with the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We will ignite fellowship that crosses racial lines, denominational lines, and generational lines. We will minister healing, deliverance and wholeness to ministry wives in every city and state. We will empower every ministry wife to help her husband have dominion.

The History

 By His Side Ministries was birthed in my heart long before I knew it. My husband was called into ministry while we were engaged to be married. Inside I was terrified for two reasons; one I swore on my life, I would never marry a preacher because my father was a preacher. Secondly, I knew that I could not live up to the expectations of the people in my church, so I was frozen. There were other minister’s wives in the church, but they did not seem to have the same passion I did. I was passionate about learning how to better support my husband and his unique ministry. Shortly after we married, my husband became a youth pastor, and that created an even deeper yearning for knowledge, intimate camaraderie, and impartation from someone who understood my calling.
During my tenure, in our local church there was a burning desire “something just for us minister’s wives” but there was nothing. From nothing, God began to write His vision on my heart. Eight years later, God began to speak to my heart concerning “By His Side Ministries”. At the time I was too busy with my life, church planting, and family to give thought to the personal ministry God was calling me to. On September 30, 2009, exactly one year later, while I was sitting in my husband’s favorite chair God began to clearly and strongly minister, “By His Side Ministries”, to me. I began the process of building what I believe is God’s desire for women who have the unique role of being married to a man in ministry.